Thursday, June 26, 2014

Leprechaun 4 overview/review

Written in October 1997
“Hurry up, dickhead! Get this stuff secured so that I can go get drunk” – Sergeant Hooker
                Following the enormous success of the critically lauded modern day masterpiece Hellraiser: Bloodlines – you know, the one with pinhead in space – the makers of the popular Leprechaun series decided space is the ultimate copout to writer’s block! 
                My life motto is “bigger is better” and that is exactly what the leprechaun producers must have been thinking – hey, it’s cool with me, guys; I drive a lifted truck and get 10 miles to the gallon.  If you really think about it, what else could the Leprechaun do?  He was in the country, the suburbs, and THEN he went to Las Vegas (Gasp!)!  We all know that location is everything; a lot of people have this misconception that it’s about great writing, or about great directing, or great cinematography.  Nope.  In horror movie sequels the main goal is to one-up the last movie! The brilliant director probably knew this was the last leprechaun movie he would helm, so he wanted to make it to where nobody could top him!  If you think about it, there hasn’t been one single space movie that is god awful, am I right?  Where else could the Leprechaun have gone?  Da hood?  Hah! Yeah, right!  I could see it now: they would probably cast some 80s rapper that was past his prime like Ice-T to film a few scenes, stick his face and name on the cover, and use it to get more recognition from a different demographic.  What a stupid idea.  I trust the Leprechaun filmmakers would never sink to that level because once you go to space you definitely can’t come back to Earth!  Duh! My second favorite motto is “GO BIG OR GO HOME,” so they would definitely be going home if they just moved the Leprechaun to that location.  I wrote GO BIG OR GO HOME in caps to get my point across, and I usually yell it when I say it aloud.  I digress.  So, I walked into my local video store Sunday night in the year 1997 to see a VHS copy of Leprechaun 4: In Space just floating around in the new release section to my surprise.  I was tickled pink by this find because I didn’t even know they were making a Leprechaun 4 because it seemed like Leprechaun 3 just came out 2 weeks ago – maybe it did?  I’ll have to fire up the Windows 95, dial-up on the internet, and see later after my parents go to bed.  How about we get to the movie?
                The film opens with breathtaking special effects of asteroids and a space ship that put Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey to shame.  I should probably add a disclaimer before I begin getting into the knitty-gritty (details of the film).
This movie grabs you by the neck, puts you in a headlock, and gives you a firm noogie from the minute it starts and until the credits roll (96 minute long noogie to be precise). If you accidentally thought you were watching Good Will Hunting (available now from Miramax home video 1997), you will surely be disappointed and you will most likely have a raw scalp the next morning.  If you’re feeling adventurous, use a spotter to watch this movie.  A spotter is a person who helps you lift weights and provides moral support, but I think that could be used with watching movies, playing mini-golf, Knitting, or even riding horses.  Also, if you’re prone to seizures, I wouldn’t recommend watching this film without the consent of your doctor.
                After the amazing intro where director Brian Trenchard-Smith, director of part 3, shows off his awe-inducing special effects, we meet the characters of the Marine crew.  After a minute or so of incredibly witty banter between the Marine crew, we are introduced to Sgt. Hooker who has a metal plate for half of his skull.  Hooker yells a lot of dialogue and reveals they’re going on a search and destroy mission, which he repeats in case someone wasn’t listening, to the planet Ithacon.  He briefly explains why they’re doing so, but it doesn’t any sense.  After explaining the nonsensical reason for traveling to Ithacon a pesky female, Tina (Jessica Collins), stumbles into the room; Tina must have thought she was auditioning for an episode of Days of Our Lives because she looked puzzled to be there. Anyway, it’s soon very apparent Hooker has no time for females because they’re useless to him.  He questions the controversial topic to Dr. Mittenhand (great name) who explains to him in a campy German accent to just deal with it.  Soon the crew is arming up on the ship to Ithacon and Books, the protagonist of the film, is helping Tina put her armor on.  At first they sass each other back and forth, but a few seconds later they hit a little space turbulence and the turbulence sparks some sexual tension between the soon-to-be love birds.  After a lot of great dialogue, we are finally introduced to the Leprechaun about 6 minutes into the feature (way too damn long if you ask me) and we see he has a princess held hostage in his cozy little cave.  They also don’t really explain how he got to this planet or how he kidnapped the princess, but that’s okay; I like a film that challenges the viewer and leaves a lot of intentional plot holes for the viewer to fill in.   The princess is kind of of a stuck up bitch and not interested in the Leprechaun until he shows her all this gold he has.   She quickly gets interested after the Leprechaun exposes how filthy stinking rich he is.  He then tells her, “Gold is Power,” which is the philosophy most rappers live by. 
The Marines soon find the Leprechaun and an unrelenting shoot-out ensues (I had to change my socks because my feet were getting sweaty).  After a solid minute of bullets flying around, some brave soul throws a grenade at the Leprechaun and the Leprechaun jumps on the grenade so it doesn’t harm the greedy Princess.  KO, one of the Marines who looks like a Jersey Shore reject, pulls out his dong and pisses on the remains of the leprechaun.  Oddly enough, Sgt. Hooker looks very pleased he is doing this and yells, “LET IT RAIN!” with a big goofy smile on his face.  The Leprechaun’s remains electrify the beefcake’s dick and he feels a slight jolt, but he just ignores it.  What’s the worst that could happen, right?  After the intense shoot-out that had me nailed to my bean bag chair, they take the princess back to the main ship. Shortly after, we are introduced to a scientist named Harold who looks like Rick Moranis’ creepy brother the family doesn’t like to talk about.  I liked Harold’s relationship with Sgt. Hooker because Hooker makes it pretty apparent he doesn’t have time nerds!  A few times I swore he was going to give him a swirly because you can tell intelligence pisses Hooker off. There’s no time for intelligence in the army!  I need to speed things up a bit.  After more great dialogue and unnecessary plot points we almost see boobs around 22 minutes into the film!  As KO (the wise guy who pissed on the leprechaun’s remains) is getting aroused by the half-naked girl, the leprechaun is reborn through his penis.  Once the Leprechaun is out of KO’s balls, he starts causing some mischief, some people die, and we find out Dr. Mittenfield is half-cyborg! I was really shocked at that plot twist because it explained why the director chose such awkward camera angles every time we were exposed to the character. 
“Listen you little pencil-necked geek! You give me the Doctor now before I knock out your teeth and shit down your throat” – Sergeant Hooker yelling at Harold (the nerd).
Soon after meeting the Doctor they make a deal with him to destroy the Leprechaun since their contract has expired.  They briefly discuss finances and make a deal.  In retrospect, I bet they regret that decision!  (cue the ominous music)
“One more thing, if I lose any more of my crew, your ass is grass… if you even have an ass!”  - Sergeant Hooker yelling at recently discovered cyborg Dr. Mittenfield.
As they’re searching for the mischievous Leprechaun, the remaining members split up and share more great dialogue with one and other that really add depth to their characters.   Tina and Books are obviously split up together and there is more sexual tension between the two.  If I was in the movie, I would have just told him to kiss her face because she obviously wanted it.  Anyway, Tina and Books have a brief encounter with the Leprechaun and escape.  Soon after that, there is more sexual tension but Hooker cock-blocks him when he interrupts them.  I mean, for a big space ship with three groups of two split up to search the entire thing, what are the odds for Sgt. Hooker and the girl who gave KO a boner to run into them?  Pretty slim you would think.   While those two groups are chit-chatting about important stuff, the Leprechaun is stalking one of the remaining crew members.  Leprechaun says, “As Shakespeare said,’Shit happens’” to him before killing him.  It’s comforting to know they still read good literature in the future.   After this, we see the remaining characters trying to kill the Leprechaun, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t get the memo that bullets can’t kill the Leprechaun because some of them die trying.  The Leprechaun finds his princess in the lab; then flattens Harold’s face with a pan and shortly after poisons the Doctor with a deadly dose of baby blue DNA, scorpion, and a hint of tarantula.  Yes, baby blue DNA, scorpion, and a hint of Tarantula – sounds like a deadly concoction. Soon the team finds the Leprechaun and the princess shows off her glittery boobs which are apparently a death sentence?  This catches the token black guy’s attention though.   I forgot to mention there is a token black guy in the movie named Sticks who adds belly aching wise-cracks to every scene he’s in.  Sticks is masterfully played by Miguel Nunez Jr. who also played a token black guy over 10 years ago (because it’s 1997) in Friday the 13th part V – he’s the fast-talking black guy taking a shit in the outhouse  I’m also pretty certain he’s the only person they show taking a dump in the entire Friday the 13th series.  Anyhoo, more over-the-top plot points happen like Dr. Mittenfield transforms into Mittenspider (also a great name), and we find out Hooker was a cyborg (another gasp!).   The writers blew my mind with the reveal of one character being cyborg, but finding out TWO characters are cyborgs BLEW MY MIND! Also, I found out there are flies in space because Dr. Mittenspider eats one.  The Leprechaun and glitter tits initiate the self-destruct mechanism, so the token black guy decides to be a hero and try to diffuse it before being interrupted Mittenspider.  Of course he dies, because black people never live in horror movies unless they’re urban horror movies.  HAH! Leprechaun in the Hood – that’d NEVER work!  More adrenaline pumping action happens; the Leprechaun turns into to Uber-Leprechaun (he’s just 35 times taller than normal Leprehcaun), Books takes his shirt off to show off his oiled abs while trying to send Mega Leprechaun into space, etc.  I bet Books could have kept his shirt on to fight Uber-Leprechaun and would still have had the same results, but I’m not going to quibble over washboard abs.  Finally, Tina defeats Mittenspider without her pants on, Uber-Leprechaun gets launched into space where he explodes, and they cancel the self-destruct with only mere seconds to spare! Phew! Was that a close one or what, guys?  They all give each other high fives and Books, who still isn’t wearing a shirt, kisses Tina’s mouth for a little bit.  I love happy endings that melt your heart.
                Ever wonder what a Leprechaun film would be like if they blatantly ripped off the movie Aliens?  Well, you found it, kids! The acting was top-notch, killer sets, tons of hot oiled-up beef shuttles wearing wife beaters for the ladies, and a crazed half-cyborg/spider creature with the name Mitternspider. There is also an important lesson that can be learned from the film: if a crazed cyborg offers you an insane amount of money to kill an obviously dangerous Leprechaun, don’t take the deal.  They took the phrase “Get Rich or Die Trying” a bit too literal with that deal. HAH! SUCKERS!  Get Rich or Die Trying?  Sounds like it should be a hip hop album or something.  Anyway, are there any science fiction junkies out there?  Well, add this to your 1997 Christmas list because I have a feeling this Direct-to-Video sequel is going to fly off the shelves and be an instant classic for the years to come!  Two Dorito-covered thumbs up!

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